It is best to start building interest and education at a low level. Keep whatever you do affordable and fun. Do not jump into shows. You must build first and the support for shows will follow. We recommend that you build for a year before taking on a large event.
Networking is the key. Cowboy Dressage is an excellent product and it speaks for itself. People just need to know about it and try it. Once they do, they will be hooked.
One of the best ways is to use Facebook. Most states have a Cowboy Dressage World Facebook page. Use it. If yours does not have a Facebook page then we can help you build and manage one. It is free!!!
Clinics from a qualified Cowboy Dressage instructor or clinician are recommended. You want to make sure you get the correct information from the start. It needs to be consistent with what we have established. If you have a person you wish to use please contact us and we can tell you if they are qualified at the level you wish to use them. Of course we can refer excellent clinicians to you. You can find clinicians and judges by Clicking Here.
If there is a Cowboy Dressage event or clinic you can make, do attend. Knowledge is paramount….. correct knowledge is even more important. We do not want to see people teaching who are trying to make this “their own”; we want to keep this in its purest and original form.
Play Days are an excellent way to start. Offer a place for people to gather and learn together. You need someone to lead the day that has the concepts and knowledge to lead appropriately. Keep it affordable and fun. Keep it very positive and encourage people to support each other.
There are many Cowboy Dressage Videos on the Cowboy Dressage YouTube channel. DVD’s are available on our website. A new Cowboy Dressage Handbook is now available that is a great resource for those that wish to show.
Each person should read and take the Hand Shake, It is the core of Cowboy Dressage and explains a lot. We are built on honor and kindness. There is a wealth of information (tests, rules, diagrams, etc.) on this website. All the information should be gone over and understood. If there are any questions just contact one of us.
Eitan’s Cowboy Dressage Facebook page is where the latest news and educational information can be found. It is like a newspaper and updated multiple times per day.
Here is a suggestion for an affordable court. Take old supplement buckets or get the white painters buckets from Home Depot or Lowe’s. They are about $6 ea. Paint the letters on them. You can use a stencil or free hand or get vinyl letters from If you wish to know how to build your own challenge court contact Wyatt Paxton our court manager.
If you desire an official Cowboy Dressage Court you can contact Allyn at:
So if you wish to start Cowboy Dressage in your area…. do it! It takes leadership and follow through. We will help you begin the process and support you along the way. Happy to do so.
Please see rules and insurance requirements before hosting a schooling show, play day or recognized Gathering.
Hosting a Show / Clinic
Yours, Debbie, Eitan, Lyn, and Garn