Thank you to our corporate sponsor Spalding Fly Predators.
“No Flies = Happy Horses” When the horses are happy we are happy!
We hope that you will join us for our 6th Annual Gathering and Finals Show
It will be held once again at Murieta Equestrian Center in Rancho Murieta, CA. “MEC” is one of the premier equestrian facilities in the United States. This is a privately-owned facility that is immaculately kept and featuring five covered arenas and multiple outdoor arenas. It is an honor to hold our yearly show at this pristine equestrian center. With the addition of the new and beautiful Murieta Inn and Spa just around the corner it becomes a vacation destination.
(916) 354-3900
Tour the new Murieta Inn and Spa
Tour the Murieta Equestrian Center
Here is just a sampling of what we will be offering at our Gathering this year. We are offering many new things and ideas to experience and share. Most Gathering information can be found at If you have any questions please contact Bev Meyers at:
New CDW logo ware will be available at the Gathering and Finals. Hats, jackets, vests and t-shirts.
OH, I sure don’t want to forget about SPONSORSHIPS…
Cowboy Dressage World Gathering and Finals Show
October 9th – 14th, 2018
Rancho Murieta Equestrian Center
Rancho Murieta, California
Find your Clan, Find your Tribe, Find your Family
Eitan Beth-Halachmy, Debbie Beth-Halachmy, Garn Walker, and Lyn Ringrose-Moe
Welcome you to the 2018 Cowboy Dressage World Gathering and Finals
Thank you to our corporate sponsor Spalding Fly Predators.
“No Flies = Happy Horses” When the horses are happy we are happy!
Cowboy Dressage ~ We are “Always Rewarding The TRY” so Come Try With Us!
This is for both Cowboy Dressage World Finals and Gathering and Top Hand!
Schedule and Special Highlights
Post entry penalty for entries postmarked after Sept 21 is $100.
Tuesday, October 9th, 6:00 p.m. – Arena 1 Upper Level
Cupcake Wars and Auction
Please bring a dozen cupcakes of your design. These cupcakes will be auctioned off and the highest bidder and baker will each receive an honorary CDW apron especially designed by Tomato Face Creations.
Coffee to be served and the “eating of cupcakes” will begin!
(If you are traveling by plane or long distance you can always order locally, we won’t tell!)
Dr. Robert Miller Lecture – Ancient Secrets of the Horses Mind
Following Cupcake Wars, Dr. Miller will present a fabulous lecture.
This is a life changing lecture for anyone involved with horses.
Wednesday, October 10th – 8:00 a.m. Classes Begin
6:30 p.m. – Grand Entry and Partner’s Clinic
Thursday, October 11th – 6:30 p.m. Arena 1
Golf Cart Tests and Decorating Contest
Be creative, be funny, be you!
See if you have what it takes to drive the ride on the CD test court. Multiple riders allowed.
Sign up on the entry form $10 – special prize awarded to winner.
Friday, October 12th – Saturday, October 13th
CDWPA Silent “Lesson”
Bid on a lesson with your favorite CDWPA Clinician
Saturday, October 13th – Regular Classes Conclude
5:00 p.m. Ticketed Dinner – Location TBD (tickets pre-ordered on entry form)
6:00 p.m. Top Hand Preliminary Rides
Announcement of Top 6 Top Hand Riders
Sunday, October 14th – Morning
7:00 a.m. CDW Church (Location TBD)
7:30 a.m. Donuts and Coffee with “8” – Arena 1
8:00 a.m. Top Hand Finals with Top 5
Awards Ceremony-Top Hand Competition & Gathering Awards – MCs Dan & Jenni Grimmett
CDWPA Judge Sara Uhalde moved to Ellensburg, WA.
The Pacific Northwest is lucky to have her.
Liberty Division
Top Hand Winning Horse Award
Rookie Rider Award
CDW Gathering & Finals classes to run Wed-Sat
Top Hand Finals & All Awards on Sunday
Be sure to be a CDW Remuda Member and Save on Entries
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Have something to say? Saw something you need to bring to our attention? Comment forms will be available at office. Please speak up and share your compliments and concerns.
[/box]Overall High Point Awards Sponsored By:
- First Place: Cowboy Dressage Saddle –
donated by Marcia Moore-Harrison Training

Overall High Point Saddle donated by Marcia Moore Harrison
- Second Place: Custom Chinks by Rodeo Etc
- Third Place: Cowhide Luggage and Satchel from Buckaroo Leather

Luggage and satchel from Buckaroo Leather
- Fourth Place. $350 Gift Certificate from Lori Justin towards TW Saddles and CSI Saddle Pads
- Fifth Place: Custom Horse Sheet – Sierra Horse Wear
- Junior Award – Hellhat
Overall High Score Awards Sponsored by:
- Dale Chavez Saddles - Maria Marriott Photography
Portrait by Gathering Photographer Maria Marriott
- Rodeo Etc
CDWPA Overall High Score Award sponsored by:
To Be Determined
Jack Brainard Try Awards provided by Buckaroo Leather
CDW Rookie Rider Awards provided by:
Robert M Miller DVM
Top Hand Award
Top Hand Switch Horse Award
Statue – Switch Horse Award
Cowboy Dressage World “Top Hand 2018”
Our Fourth Year of Outstanding Horsemanship
Rancho Murieta Equestrian Center – October 13 and 14, 2018
Saturday, October 13th evening – Qualifying Rides
Sunday, October 14th, morning — Top Hand Finals
In the tradition of the Cowboy and the ranches of the west there is no higher compliment than being christened the top hand. All Cowboys worth their salt strive to be worthy of such a title. It is not a title given lightly nor one that is awarded to a man that hasn’t put in their time. It is a title of honor and respect. While the Cowboy needed to be a man of many skills, including some of the dirtier ground crew work, the highest skill of the Cowboy and the one most respected was the horseman. In all the skills the Top Hand had mastered, it was his skill as horseman that most earned him the title.
In Cowboy Dressage we honor the tradition of the Cowboy and the lifestyle of the West while building partnership and harmony with our horses. We believe that in order to create the ultimate horse we have to be the ultimate partner for that horse. By working to improve communication with the horse through soft feel we aim to create the perfect working partner that is soft and willing and capable and able to take on any job on the ranch or in the arena.
Creating that partnership and relationship with a horse requires a rider that is dedicated to the goal of soft feel. While it takes time to develop true partnership in a horse, a rider that embodies soft feel can cultivate partnership in any horse that he mounts. A true horseman can quickly adapt to communicate with each horse that he comes into contact with. You might say the rider that has embraced the principles of soft feel and partnership in Cowboy Dressage is worthy of being called a Top Hand.
As we in Cowboy Dressage honor the Cowboy we also honor the horseman and no skill in the horseman is as highly valued in Cowboy Dressage as the skill of soft feel and partnership. Do you think you have what it takes to be a Top Hand? Cowboy Dressage World is poised to give you the opportunity to find out.
While the end goal of Cowboy Dressage is not the competition we feel that it is right and fitting to honor the Top Hands out there that have dedicated the time and energy to become worthy of the title. Though we no longer have the ability to prove our worth while riding for the brand each season, we can get together to showcase and honor the work we have done with our horses and recognize the men and women that have made themselves worthy of being deemed Top Hand.
2018 Top Hand Competition
Entries Close Post Mark Sept 28, 2018
Saturday Evening, October 13th Qualifying Rides
Sunday Morning, October 14th Top Hand Finals
See Separate Prize List and Registration
Click here for more information and Top Hand schedule
Top 10 Riders
- Top Ten Riders/Horses will be present in Arena 1 at start time.
- Must be mounted and ready to compete.
- Sixth –Tenth Place Riders will be announced
- Sixth –Tenth Place Riders will leave arena and Top Five will stay for draw.
- Draw to take place for order of go for Top Five Riders.
- 6th place rider/horse should be on deck in warm up arena in case of any last-second scratches.
- Top Five auctioned off in a Calcutta.
- Upon completion of Calcutta Bidding on Top Five Riders, rides will to begin.
- The combined score of the 1st and 2nd Go (Mystery test) will determine the placings for Champion.
- The previous Qualifying score is not counted in final Top Five Placings.
- 50% of the score is on general impression: Soft Feel, Partnership and Harmony.
- 50% of the score is based on technical merit.
The Top Five Riders
First Go
- Top Five Horses will have time to familiarize themselves with arena during Calcutta but cannot go inside court.
- Top Five Horses cannot leave the arena.
- Top Five Riders can leave for bathroom break if needed – use Wrangler.
- The first rider will have 2 minutes before the bell rings to warm up and then 45 seconds after the bell to enter arena at A and begin test.
- Each rider thereafter will have 2 minutes to warm up once previous rider leaves arena at A. They will then have 45 seconds after the bell to enter arena at A and begin test.
Switch Go for Top 5 Top Hand Riders – Mystery Test
- Upon completion of all First Go rides, wranglers will hold horses and a draw for “the switch” will take place. Wrangler will stay with horse and rider cannot mount or handle horse until 2-minute notice is given. The rider has 2 minutes to prepare on new horse and then another 45 seconds to enter arena and begin test after bell.
- If there is a saddle change needed, time will be given on an as-needed basis.
Presentation of Awards – Sunday Afternoon
- Upon completion of all rides, winners will be announced and Calcutta winners will be announced.
Top Ten 10-1 to be awarded - Riders do not have to be mounted during awards. Wranglers can hold horses.
Tie Breaker
In case of tie, a new mystery test will be ridden by the top two riders. This is a totally unknown test to both caller and rider. If a tie continues the Soft Feel Score will break the tie.
The rider is encouraged to memorize their tests. The use of a caller is not mandatory. Cowboy Dressage World allows the rider to use a caller of their choice, however, the ultimate responsibility for accurate and correct riding of the test falls upon the rider. If the rider chooses to use a caller, it is the rider’s responsibility to arrange for one.
Cowboy Dressage World will not be providing callers for riders.
Top Hand Champion
Custom Framed Print by award winning western artist Jamie Means—
Switch Horse Award by Ranch Hands
Cowboy Dressage World Top Hand Champion Buckle
Champion Ribbon
Top Hand Top 2-5 Awards
Cowboy Dressage World Top Hand Finalist Buckle
Top Hand Champion Finalist Ribbons
Top Hand 6-10 Awards
Top Hand Top Ten Ribbons
All Top Hand Participants
Each Rider will receive a Cowboy Dressage Top Hand Competitor’s Shirt. Shirt must be worn during competitions and photo ops.
Please send shirt size, short bio and picture to as soon as possible.
Dressage the Cowboy Way
THE COMPLETE Guide to Training and Riding with Soft Feel and Kindness
Paperback – Eitan’s new Book Coauthored by Jenni Grimmett DVM.
by Eitan Beth-Halachmy (Author), Jenni L. Grimmett DVM (Author)
The desire to meld the best of Western riding traditions with classical dressage in the pursuit of a harmonious relationship with a horse has steadily gained traction over the past two decades, and now the movement flourishes. More and more horse people are discovering the incredible rewards of training a well–balanced mount, using a soft feel, and developing communication based on kindness and cooperation.
In this remarkable book, the founder of Cowboy Dressage® Eitan Beth–Halachmy explains the development of the Western dressage horse using his methods. Beginning with the basics of body language, use of the aids, and a discussion of the Training Pyramid, Beth–Halachmy then provides guidelines for foundational groundwork and progressive dressage schooling under saddle, such as developing cadence and consistency in the gaits, understanding and requesting correct bend, choosing and using lateral maneuvers, and advancing self–carriage and collection. Additional sections highlight the distinct benefits of the geometry of the Cowboy Dressage Court, the intrigue of training with the garrocha (a long pole or lance), and the great pleasure of riding musical freestyles. This fantastic guide is both valuable resource and inspirational touchstone, promising that in the end, horse and rider enjoy each other’s company.
Eitan’s books are now distributed in Australia and the UK Click Here for more information..
THANK YOU to our generous sponsors and volunteers
Your financial support is what allows Cowboy Dressage World to present the shows and gatherings held at Murieta Equestrian Center. It is our goal to offer a first class, welcoming, clean, safe and highly functional facility. If you see our sponsors at the Gathering please tell them “thanks.”
Find our sponsors and links:
Words of wisdom from Deb & Eitan
“If you keep putting off your dreams until tomorrow you will end up with a bunch of empty yesterdays.”
“Cowboy Dressage…Your burn’in day light. Lets do this!”