Policy for CDWPA members representing Cowboy Dressage at Horse Expos and other public events.
As a representative of Cowboy Dressage at Horse Expos and other public events, CDWPA members are expected to do the following:
Provide professional representation of the discipline of Cowboy Dressage both in and out of the arena. Keep in mind that you are representing the brand – Cowboy Dressage. Try to keep the continuity of the mission and vision of Cowboy Dressage.
CDWPA members should spend as much time interacting with the public as time allows.
Members should have a booth at the event, if offered.
The booth should be manned by volunteers during business hours along with the featured Cowboy Dressage clinician as much as the schedule allows.
The booth should have a Cowboy Dressage banner displayed, as well at the brochures that have been provided.
The booth should contain examples of call books, test diagrams, and any other tools that would help someone understand more about Cowboy Dressage. A TV playing videos of Cowboy Dressage is a helpful tool to attract interested people. Some mention should be made of our website, that contains so much information: www.cowboydressageworld.com
The featured clinician should reach out prior to the event and take every opportunity to welcome and include other ambassadors and clinicians in the local region. This is to ensure additional ongoing support after the Expo is over.
Business cards of the featured clinician and local Cowboy Dressage representatives should be displayed along with flyers featuring upcoming local Cowboy Dressage events.
Clinicians are expected to teach Cowboy Dressage in their clinics, explaining the various divisions and how Cowboy Dressage can benefit any horse and rider. Clinicians can discuss in more detail such things as “soft feel”, “keeping the try”, and how this discipline can benefit anyone, no matter what type of riding they currently enjoy.
Thank you for keeping the Cowboy Dressage vision moving forward.