Click on the links below for information.

The 1st four bullets in the form below, are required before your show or clinic

Required Forms

    1. CDW Approved Shows Agreement
    2. CDW Insurance Liability Requirements
    3. CDW Release of Liability
    4. Shows are to be listed on the CDW events calendar.

Continuing in 2024  Any “CDW Schooling Show”  that have met and fulfilled all schooling show requirements (above) will receive a Molly’s Custom Silver CDW Buckle to be given as an award of their choice. A Gift from CDW, once all requirements are completed.  Please be sure to include mailing address for buckle emailed to Donna Muniz with all forms included in the email.

Additional Forms and graphics

    1. CDW Gathering Show Fee Accounting Form
    2. CDW Official Class List
    3. CDW Logos for your convenience