Thank you to our corporate sponsor Spalding Fly Predators.
“No Flies = Happy Horses” When the horses are happy we are happy!
We have always felt that it takes courage to live your dreams. It is the goal of Cowboy Dressage World to help make your dreams a reality. Horsemanship is an arduous journey. A good relationship with a horse is an endless endeavor. There are highs and lows, frustration and joy, disappointment and achievement. Horses can stir all our deepest emotions. They heighten our senses and test our patience and knowledge. They can bring us peace and safe haven. Horses call to us and for many the call penetrates to the depth of our very being. Cowboy Dressage World wants you to experience it all.
Open your heart and mind and let’s saddle up and ride!
Eitan, Debbie, Garn, and Lyn
The Cowboy Dressage World List of Events
It is great for finding events in your area and so easy to add approved events too! This feature is keeping the community informed and connected.
Click Here for List of Events
The always anticipate CDW June Gathering and show is fast approaching. Join your friends and plan on making new ones June 23-25, Murieta Equestrian Center, Rancho Murieta, CA. This show will run over 400 rides so please get your entries in by the deadline.( June 14th) It will help the office a great deal and show management can best arrange for extra rings and judges ahead of time.
Click Here for Entries and Premiums.
Western States Horse Expo
Cowboy Dressage World will have it’s first ever CDW Competition at the Western States Horse Expo, June 9-11 at the California State Fairgrounds in Sacramento, CA. Ten talented riders will compete on Friday and Saturday night for top honors. Eitan and Lyn Ringrose Moe will be giving clinics each day.
Clinics Friday, Sat, Sun 9:30 – 11:00 am in Strong Arena
Check the schedule at
The CDW Partners encourage all to come and support these riders. Jenni Purcell, Jo Ann Gillespie, Erin Adderley, Lesla Bong, Jessica Mosbaugh, Bryanna Valett, Justin Kibbe, Cassidy Mueller, Kelley Rankin, Linda Dejoria-Steiner
All Cowboy Dressage Events are in Western Horseman Spirit Arena
Beat the Heat and the Crowds. Join us early each morning for Cowboy Dressage. Bring your coffee and learn and share.
Friday Saturday and Sunday Clinics please check Expo Schedule by clicking this link.
- Friday Competition 6 – 7:30 pm
- Saturday Competition 6 – 7:30 pm
- Competition Awards to be handed out at end of Sunday Clinic in Strong Arena.
Visit the Cowboy Dressage World Booth in Bld A Booth 1908
Thank you to our award sponsors:
The Cowboy Dressage World of North America has been dissolved. We wish to thank Storm Walker Ranch, Phyllis Scott and Dr. Karl Clonginger for their support and help these last few years. This was a heartfelt endeavor but one that’s scope exceeded that ability of the manpower needed.
Cowboy Dressage Lyn Ringrose Moe at the Western States Horse Expo
CDW founding partner Lyn Ringrose Moe and one of her adult students, Joan Denton, have been selected as featured clinicians at the June 9 – 11 Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento. Come join them over the three days of the Expo as they talk about “Keeping the Horse Dream Alive after Age 45.” Lyn will present her unique perspective of teaching adult students after more than 40 years of experience; Joan will discuss elements she found to be important in learning to ride in her 60’s. Check the Horse Expo schedule for times and locations. See you there!
New Musical Ride/Freestyle Drill Team Tests
The Partners of Cowboy Dressage World recognize the joy and camaraderie that happens when riders perform to music. Out of that concept, we have developed the Cowboy Dressage Drill Team Freestyle. A drill team is a musical ride made up of 2 or more members. It is performed in the open Cowboy Dressage Court to music. The time limit is 6 minutes. The criteria for judging the Drill Team is listed on the score sheet. There are no required maneuvers as there could be riders performing a beautifully choreographed ride, but riding at different levels, all within the same team. The emphasis is on “Soft Feel” and “Harmony and Partnership”, in keeping with the Mission and Vision of Cowboy Dressage.
We will be offering this class beginning June, 2017.
You ride as a team and will be judged as one. The same rules apply as the regular Freestyle Tests. There are no required maneuvers. Partnership, soft feel and team compatibility are the major goals to be judged.
Sponsorship Time
OK here comes our sponsorship pitch, (the short version), “We need your sponsorship support for our 2017 Gathering and Finals.” A list of sponsorship opportunities are listed at under Our Sponsors. You will see the new Educational Sponsorships that are very exciting.
You can pledge now and pay later!
Contact JoAnne Gillespie at for information and pledges.
Click Here for More Information!
Top Hand 2017
2016 Top Hand Winner Audry Goldsmith | 2016 Reserve Top Hand Winner Marcia Moore Harrison
Top Hand Preliminary Rides will be on Saturday Sept 9 in arena one in the morning. The Top Hand Finals will be that afternoon. The qualifying test is Challenge wjl #2.
Remember that there is no Amateur Top Hand Division this year. Award Saddle and Buckle will go to overall winner. Buckles will go to 2-5 and Ribbons 1-10. Plus those beautiful shirts for all participants. This is getting more and more competitive each year. Very rewarding to see the progress in our CDW riders.
Bring your A-Game and Ride at Your Best!!!!
Cowboy Dressage World Gathering and Finals
Save the date Sept 5-10 for our 5th CDW Gathering and Finals.
We have a lot planned for you. Good stuff!!! We hope to have all rides done by 6pm each day. Little going on in the evenings so that people can rest up, socialize and relax. Awards are tentative for Sun am or Sun afternoon. All still in the planning stages so subject to change.
Our Judging Line up for 2017
Lynn McEnespy (TH preliminary judge and TH final judge, regular show- all days)
Sonya Livermore, all days
Heather Lekan, all days
Sheryl Strathman, TH Finals, all days
Nonny Largent, all days
Top Hand Judges:
Lynn McEnespy, judge at C
Kim Moats, TH Finals, only
Sheryl Strathman
Stand-by judge: Jill Von Ilten
Cowboy Dressage Word of Texas
Cowboy Dressage World of Texas is getting a new “kick-start”
If you are from the lone star state and have an interest in Cowboy Dressage please let us know. Send us your email address at this link: Bonnie Siegel will be sending you the link. We will keep you in the loop as Cowboy Dressage World grows in the great Cowboy state of Texas!
New Jack Brainard Try Award
As many of you know Jack Brainard was and is instrumental in the development of Cowboy Dressage. Cowboy Dressage World wishes to acknowledge this great horseman with it’s Jack Brainard “Try” Award. This award is given in honor Jack by the judges to the rider who displays the most “try” and improvement throughout any given Cowboy Dressage World Competition.
Four to Five of these awards will be given out at this year’s Gathering and Finals.
Power Clinics at 2017 Gathering and Finals
Do not miss this opportunity. This is the Mother of all CDW Clinics.
Cowboy Dressage Power Clinics for 2017 Gathering and Finals
Cowboy Dressage World is very excited to announce a new and highly educational program for our exhibitors at this year’s Gathering and Finals.
If you have ever attended a Cowboy Dressage World Power Clinic you know how very special they are. Below is a description of the Power Clinics and how they will be offered at the 2017 Gathering and Finals held Sept 5-10 at Murieta Equestrain Center, Rancho Murieta, CA
Click Here for more information and for Registration
Become a Part of the Cowboy Dressage World News Letter!
You can now have a banner ad on the bi-monthly CDW Newsletter.
These will be listed on the right hand side of the newsletter. Placement towards the top will be on a first come bases.
Photo ready banners are to be sent to by the end of each month preceding the Newsletter month. So if you want a banner in the next newsletter the banner has to be emailed to Donna by the end of the month preceding.
If you wish to have Donna create your banner it is an additional $35 charge, payment going directly to Donna. Please contact her to make arrangements at the above email.
You are welcome to send in news (not adv) or “sharing” of experiences for the newsletter. Please send to Sara Uhalde at by the end of the month preceding.
Click Here for more information!
Note: We are working on a classified and event section for the near future.
Our 2017 Award Buckles
Here are our award buckles for 2017. Thought you would like a preview! We will be awarding over 40 of them this year. High Point Buckles look the same as the TH buckle but with HP on the tip.
- Darling Donna Muniz, our website wizard par excellence had major back surgery. We are happy to say that she has been recovering quite well, much to our extreme joy! She is now back to part time work so you will see a lot of website catch up going on. Without Donna there would be no Cowboy Dressage! Love you Donna!
- Roberta Robertson and Garn Walker
Roberta Robertson from Saskatchewan, Canada will be joining our office staff at our June Gathering and Sept Gathering and Finals. Roberta will be guiding the office through the new awards calculation program. Please stop by the office and welcome her. You will also find Garn in the office so you can say Hell-o to both. It is always nice to have all the partners together so we are looking forward to it.
- CD Clinics world wide 2017 Cowboy Dressage World truly has no borders. Lyn Ringrose Moe will be returning to Australia and Canada, Martina Bone will be back in Germany, Poland, Italy and Austria. Garn Walker will be headed to Canada as well. Safe travels to all! Eitan and Wyatt are staying in the US close to home.
- CDWPA Check out all the new members who have joined the CDWPA this year. What an outstanding group of professionals. We are very proud and very honored. Congrats to all.
CDW Professionals
Would you like to make your own Cowboy Dressage Court?
The “How Too” from Court Guru Wyatt Paxton
- You’ll need 112 feet of 3-inch diameter PVC/DWV pipe. You can purchase this material at your plumbing supply locations. I have not found this pipe Home Depot or Lowes in this size.Cut 4 pieces to 2 foot 8-inch lengths, the balance at 5 foot lengths.
Ground Poles/Walk Overs:
- The approximate 3 ft. pieces will be used with two 90 degree pieces with tee between these. Two sets used for the walk overs with a single 5 ft.
- 4, 5 ft. pieces for the 20 meter walk overs (2-sets).
- Caps are optional on the ends of the walk overs.
- Use 8, 5 ft. poles with 45 degree on each end to make the octagon.
- You’ll need a total of 8, 45 degree fittings for attaching the octagon together.
- 6 cones, 2 placed at the Letter G, 6-ft. apart.
- 2, at each corners of H & Q and Y & M, 4-ft apart and 6’6 ½” in from the corner of the arena.
- You’ll need a gate at A, 48 to 54 inches tall, about 6 ft. apart. You can use 5 inch square Pvc fencing posts with a cap with cabinet knob attached. Place over road column cones, the orange type seen on the highway.
Next Newsletter I’ll provide some ideas to make your own gate.
Volunteers we need you!!!
Volunteers are needed for the June and Finals shows.
Please contact Kelsey Morris
Remember Your Resources!
Keep in mind Eitan and Debbie Beth-Halachmy have a new e-mail address:
Sara Uhalde is our Newsletter Guru and she has graciously taken on the task of managing the new Handshake Membership page on Facebook. Boy is this popular. Check it out on Face book but first you have to be a Handshake Member…so worth it!
Please get your newsletter “chat” in to Sara at
Remember that advertisement goes to