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Our CDW Handbook has been updated 02/12/2024!
IF you purchased this Manual at any time, and want the new tests that were added recently, please contact Donna Muniz at, and ask for a link to the NEW Manual.
If you don’t like printing each test, call sheet or court diagram separate; there is a “Digital” Cowboy Dressage® Hand Book at Your Fingertips! This can be viewed on your phone, tablet, computer, or you can print it out.
This Complete CD Handbook is a must for the Cowboy Dressage enthusiasts.
Price for NON-Members: $75.00 for download, of a .PDF file.
PLEASE READ: (After purchase, please check your email as you will be emailed a special link from the Cowboy Dressage World website, that is active for 72 hours, and can be downloaded up to 5 times. Can be downloaded to your cellphone, laptop, or computer.)
Please make sure you save this download to your computer for printing at your convenience. Make sure you give the file some time to open, it is a large file.
If you have any problem with the download, contact Donna Muniz at for assistance.
A $25.00 discount For Remuda Members Only
Our CDW Handbook has been updated 02/12/2024!
IF you purchased this Manual at any time, and want the new tests that were added recently, please contact Donna Muniz at, and ask for a link to the NEW Manual.
Remuda Membership consists of any active member. (Lifetime members, General Adult, Junior member, All CDWPA members)
Price: $50.00 for download, of a .PDF file.
PLEASE READ: (After purchase, please check your email as you will be emailed a special link from the Cowboy Dressage World website, that is active for 72 hours, and can be downloaded up to 5 times. Can be downloaded to your cellphone, laptop, or computer.)
Please make sure you save this download to your computer for printing at your convenience. Make sure you give the file some time to open, it is a large file.
If you have any problem with the download, contact Donna Muniz at for assistance.
Cowboy Dressage® Judges Scoresheets, Test Diagrams and Call Sheets
Individual Tests are $5.00 each, you get the Scoresheet, the Call Sheets, and all the Diagrams, in PDF format, which can be downloaded to your computer, and or your tablet or cellphone.
After purchase from PayPal, you will be sent a link via your PayPal Email to download your Test, you may download to multiple devises. Once downloaded you can print the test as needed. Note: IF you use someone else’s PayPal account to purchase, the link to your purchase will go to their email. It goes to the PayPal email that is used.
→ PLEASE NOTE: You have 72 hours to download the test after your purchase. It can be downloaded to your phone, computer, or both. You may download 5 times.
If you have any problem with download, contact Donna Muniz.
Click on the thumbnail to preview the Test scoresheet.
For Gathering and Finals 2022 Vaquero Buckaroo (V/B) Division 2022, please refer to page 11 on the Rules and Guidelines.
★ New for 2023 ★
for Gaited Division, featuring
All “new to you” Horsemanship Tests
For Freestyle, see Rules and Guidelines
Cowboy Dressage® Challenge
Cowboy Dressage® Gaited
Cowboy Dressage® Partnership
Cowboy Dressage® Freestyle
Cowboy Dressage® Liberty
Horsemanship New for 2023
Revised 05/09/2023