I am an amateur rider who has ridden multiple breeds and disciples for over 50 years. As a junior rider I showed hunter/jumpers winning 5 CPHA year end high point awards for San Diego County. After raising two sons, I changed my focus to English dressage, but still loved to ride on the trails. Seven years ago I bought Cloud as a young three year old. He is a Thoroughbred / Trakehner cross with many talents. Since he is very athletic, I bought a western saddle to use on the trails, recalling the basics of western riding and collection my father had taught me as a child on his Arabian show horse. I enjoyed the precision and challenge of dressage in the arena but felt more at home on my western saddle. A friend told me about Cowboy Dressage three years ago and I have been hooked ever since. Cloud and I have continued to challenge ourselves through the levels. By focusing on harmony, lightness and partnership, I have become a better rider and horse person. This partnership has allowed me and Cloud to do things I never thought would be possible. We have horse camped in Desolation Wilderness, ridden 28 miles in Yosemite, become a member of the East Bay Regional Park volunteer mounted park patrol and won four buckles in Cowboy Dressage. I can truly say, Cloud is “my horse of a lifetime”.